In the initial period of her artistic work she deale with interior desiging, and its elements(i.a. chandeliers and mosaics). She got to the bottom of secrets od artistic metal-works, and forged her projects personally in sheet copper ("Farming with peacocks" in cafe in Goldapia, decorative forms for institutions and offices in Poland, including Warsaw). She was constantly looking for new means od wxpression. She tried oil and pastel painting and portrair, which has become her main field of interestsince 1985.She has been fascinated with color and stroke.
She specialises in portrait, which she paints ising difrent techniques. She participated in tens also abroad. Lidia Snitko-Pleszko was granted scholarship of Ministry of Culture and Art, and she was awarded the prize in Polish nationwide contest of picture related with Easter, organized by ZPAP (Union of Polish Artists) in 2000.